Jack Walraven's Simpson Trial Transcripts (2024)

The Plaintiffs' Witnesses in the Civil Trial

Source: MSNBC

The following people have testified on behalf of the plaintiffs'case in the O.J. Simpson civil trial:

FRIDAY, Oct. 25

Karen Crawford, Mezzaluna bartenderCrawford described Nicole Brown Simpson's last dinner andsaid she found Juditha Brown's eyeglasses. Crawford took the callfrom Nicole Simpson's mother about lost glasses and then a callfrom Nicole, who asked to speak to Ron Goldman. During the criminaltrial, Crawford wept when a prosecutor showed her a white shirtand black pants Goldman wore the night he died.

Stewart Tanner, employee at Mezzaluna barTanner had made plans to go out with Ron Goldman after hewas to return from dropping off the glasses at Nicole's condominium.He described Goldman's last hours and said Goldman was not datingNicole Simpson, as the defense contended in opening statements.

Robert Heidstra, walking dogs at time of murdersHeidstra lives on Dorothy Street near Bundy Drive. He walkedhis two dogs at 10:15 p.m. the evening of the murders and sayshe heard Nicole's dog barking around 10:35 p.m. At around 10:40p.m., he said he heard a young male adult voice say "hey,hey, hey" and then heard another voice talking fast. He saidhis dogs were barking too loud for him to hear what the othervoice was saying. He said it "sounded like an argument betweentwo male voices." He says the 11 p.m. news was just startingas he returned home. Heidstra says he saw a white sports utilityvehicle speed away from Bundy Drive.

Louis Karpf, boyfriend of neighborKarpf, the boyfriend of Nicole Simpson's next-door neighbor,told of returning from a trip and seeing her agitated dog runningloose about 10:50 p.m. He went inside without further investigation.

Steven Schwab, Bundy neighborThe dog walker who approached Nicole Simpson's wandering Akita,Schwab says he saw blood on his paws and took him home. He saidit was 10:55 p.m., establishing the time by his favorite TV shows.Schwab was not cross-examined. He reiterated his testimony fromthe criminal trial, in which he said he found Nicole Simpson'sdog at 10:55 p.m. with blood on one of its hind legs. Schwab turnedover the dog to his neighbor, Sukru Boztepe, at about 11:50 p.m.,June 12, 1994. At 5 a.m. the next morning, detectives asked himseveral questions about the night before.

Sukru Boztepe, discovered the bodiesSchwab's neighbor took the Akita for a walk and was led toNicole Simpson's condo where, he said, "I saw a lady layingdown full of blood." He had a neighbor call police. On cross-examination,he was asked how many police officers he saw enter the crime scene.He said two officers initially entered the scene. More officersarrived later, he said, but the dim lights didn't let him seehow far down the path toward the crime scene they actually got.Boztepe said he saw Nicole lying on the floor, but saw no oneelse. He determined she was dead because the dog, which had ledhim to the sidewalk in front of the condo, had blood on its pawsand had been found hours earlier.

MONDAY, Oct. 28

Robert Riske, first officer to visit crime scene

Riske is the Los Angeles Police Department officer who was firston the scene at Bundy Drive and found the bodies. He says he sawonly one blood drop on the front door and no other drops anywherebetween the bodies and door. On cross-examination at the civiltrial, Riske told the court he advised his watch commander June13, 1994, that he believed O.J. Simpson was somehow involved.

Michael Terrazas, Robert Riske's partnerTerrazas testified that he never saw a second glove at thecrime scene and that he spotted one drop of blood (which he describedas bright red and moist) and some change near a black Jeep whilestanding guard at the back of the condo. His shoe print was photographedto compare with the bloody prints at the crime scene. Terrazasdid not testify in the criminal trial.

David Rossi, watch commander, West L.A. divisionRossi is a veteran Los Angeles Police Department sergeantwho supervised Officer Robert Riske on the night of the slayings.He contradicted Robert Riske's testimony earlier Monday by sayingthat Riske never told him that he thought O.J. Simpson may havebeen involved in the crime. Rossi also testified Detectives Phillipsand Fuhrman, he understood, had authority over the crime scene.

TUESDAY, Oct. 29

Donald Thompson, officer in charge of protecting O.J. Simpson'sestate

Thompson testified he saw blood droplets inside the whiteBronco and on the street and driveway at Rockingham. There isno doubt in his mind, he said, that it was blood he saw. DetectiveMark Fuhrman pointed out one of those droplets to him. Thompsonalso said he did not see anyone open the door to the white Bronco,enter the Bronco or spill blood inside the Bronco. "I'm absolutelysure it was secure," he said.

Ronald Phillips, Mark Fuhrman's partnerPhillips, a West Los Angeles division detective, said undercross-examination in the criminal trial that police went to Simpson'sestate after the murders to offer him a ride to pick up his childrenat the police station - not, as defense claimed, because he wasa big-name suspect. He called Simpson in Chicago, telling himhis ex-wife had been killed. He acknowledged under cross-examinationthat Simpson asked "What do you mean she's been killed?"when told of his ex-wife's death.

THURSDAY, Oct. 31 and FRIDAY, Nov. 1

Tom Lange, one of two lead detectives

Lange, who retired after the Simpson murder trial, spoke ina slow monotone and used cold, technical description for the repulsivescenes, when jurors were shown close-ups of the victims' bodies.He methodically detailed the location of blood drops and shoeprints. Lange also was used to introduce two key pieces of crime-sceneevidence, a left-hand leather glove and a dark-blue knit cap.Lange identified the items, which were sealed in plastic bags.During a blistering cross-examination, Simpson's attorney citedwhat he said were conflicts in accounts Lange gave at the criminaltrial, in his written reports and his testimony, implying thatboth the glove and the cap found at the crime scene could havebeen planted.

FRIDAY, Nov. 1

Detective Phillip Vannatter, lead investigator

Under direct examination, Vannatter gave a step-by-step detailof the location of the blood vile containing O.J. Simpson's blood.According to Vannatter, he "kept control of the envelope"which was sealed and remained on Vannatter's desk until he tookit to Rockingham to give to Dennis Fung.

MONDAY, Nov. 4

Dennis Fung, criminalist

Fung testified he never collected blood stains from a backgate of Ms. Simpson's condominium because he didn't see any. Ina relentless cross-examination of criminalist Dennis Fung, attorneyRobert Blasier also added a new photograph to bolster complaintsabout the handling of evidence aired at Simpson's criminal trial.

Gregory Matheson, forensic chemistMatheson testified the socks found in Simpson's bedroom wereso dark he wouldn't have seen blood stains because blood is alsovery dark when it dries. In the first trial, the defense suggestedthe socks were pristine when taken to the laboratory, then contaminatedwith blood from Simpson and his slain ex-wife while they werein the laboratory.

Bernie Douroux, impounded BroncoBernie Douroux, who impounded O.J. Simpson's white Ford Broncoon behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department, did not actuallytestify in court in the civil trial. Instead, the plaintiffs playeda videotape of his testimony from the criminal trial.


Dennis Fung, criminalist

Fung spent much of Tuesday being cross- examined. He saidthe bodies of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson were in theprocess of being moved when he arrived at the crime scene. Fungtold jurors how he collected blood from the back gate, but concededthere were other blood drops which he did not collect. He saidit was difficult to collect bloodstains from the Bronco. Fungsaid he found no shoeprints or blood on the stairway, hallwayor doorknobs at Simpson's home. He did find blood in the foyerarea, on a pair of socks in the master bedroom and on the bathroomfloor.

Susan Brockbank, police criminalistBrockbank, a criminalist in the trace analysis laboratory,told jurors that she collected hair from the blue knit cap foundat the crime scene, as well as from the bloody glove and the victims'clothing. She also removed trace evidence from items found inSimpson's Bronco.

Brenda Vemich, BloomingdalesA videotape of Vemich's deposition was played for the jury.In the tape, she testified about selling two pairs of gloves,size extra large, to Nicole Brown Simpson in 1990 at a Bloomingdalesdepartment store in New York City.


Michael Romano, professional freelance photographer

Romano testified he took a picture of Simpson wearing blackgloves in a media room in Buffalo on Jan. 15, 1994. Romano soldthe picture to the National Inquirer. He was the only photographywitness to appear in person at the civil trial.

Mark Krueger, amateur photographer
The court re-enacted testimony using first-trial transcript.Krueger took a photo of Simpson, wearing gloves, December 1990at Soldier Field in Chicago where he was taking pictures for hisstepfather's newspaper.

Bill Renken, professional photographer
The court re-enacted testimony using first-trial transcript.Renken owns a custom photo lab in Cincinnati. He took picturesof Simpson, wearing gloves, while working as an NBC commentatorat a Jan. 6, 1991, football game at Riverfront Stadium. Renkensaid he couldn't tell if Simpson had a heat pack in his palm.

Kevin J. Schott, photography teacher

The court re-enacted testimony using first-trial transcript.Schott is from Orchard Park, N.Y. He took pictures of Simpson,wearing gloves, Nov. 21, 1993, in Buffalo. Schott said he didnot try to sell his picture to the television show "InsideEdition." He testified he didn't know if his attorney triedto sell the picture.

Richard Rubin, former vice president general manager of the glovemakerAris Isotoner
Rubin appeared in person at the civil trial. He worked atAris Isotoner from 1976 to 1990. He testified he was certain theuniquely styled gloves Simpson wore during a 1991 football broadcastwere the same type as those linked to the killings, but he couldn'tbe sure if they were the same shade of brown. Rubin said the glovesSimpson tried on during the infamous demonstration in the firsttrial did fit, although they fit poorly. He also said the gloveswere definitely from the same pair. Rubin said the first signsof wear in Aris Lights are usually seen in the lining, and theevidence gloves showed little wear. So the person who used themfit them well or only used them for a short time.

Harry Scull, photographer
The court provided videotaped and re-enacted testimony. Sculltestified on videotape that he took a head-to-toe picture of Simpsonin September 1993. The plaintiffs contend that the picture showsSimpson wearing the same kind of rare Bruno Magli shoes as thosethat left bloody prints near the bodies. The cross-examinationof Scull, conducted in a New York session last July, was re-enacted,with the defense attorney's son playing Scull.


Park Dietz, forensic psychiatrist

Dietz testified to his expertise in the area of forensic psychiatryciting his association with the FBI Profiling unit and his extensivetraining and teaching experience at Harvard and Johns Hopkins.In regard to Simpson, Dietz said he could safely conclude thatSimpson would have continued to abuse Nicole Simpson, but thathe would not necessarily have killed her.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, physicianHuizenga described the cuts and lacerations he observed onSimpson's hands, referring to diagrams he had made after the examinations.He said that the first examination took place in his office andthe second took place at the home of Robert Kardashian where Dr.Henry Lee, Michael Baden and "lots of lawyers" werepresent.

Kenneth Berris, Chicago police officerTestimony was read from the transcript of a taped deposition.The excerpts read pertained to Berris' examination of room 915at the O'Hare Plaza Hotel where Simpson stayed June 12 to 13,1994. Berris testified that he observed what he believed to be"suspect blood" on the bedding. He also observed a ball-pointpen in the bed.

FRIDAY, Nov. 8

Werner Spitz, scene reproduction specialist and pathologist

Dr. Spitz testified that Nicole Brown Simpson died as a resultof loss of blood coming form a large wound to the neck. He saidthat the wound to the neck was the terminal event of the entirescenario and that the altercation would have lasted less than15 seconds from first to last wound. Spitz, a nationally renownedpathologist, has reviewed the assassination of President Kennedyfor the House Assassinations Committee, several serial murdercases in Los Angeles and New York and the death of Mary Jo Kopechne,who drowned in 1969 after a car driven by Sen. Edward Kennedyplunged off the Chappaquiddick Bridge. Legal analysts said theaddition of Spitz at $300 an hour for some 100 hours of work meansthe plaintiffs have deep pockets and are confident they are goingto be successful.

TUESDAY, Nov. 12 and WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13

Doug Deedrick, special agent for FBI

Deedrick testified that hair analysis can never absolutelyidentify an individual, but that under microscopic analysis, hairscan be said to be consistent with coming from the same individual.Deedrick said hair from Nicole Brown Simpson's head appeared tohave been forcibly removed, "cut, broken and torn out."He identified hair of her type and of Ron Goldman's type on theglove found at O.J. Simpson's estate.

Deedrick testified that when compared to a sample of O.J. Simpson'shair, the hair found on Ron Goldman's shirt had the same microscopiccharacteristics. He also testified that 12 head hairs found insidethe knit cap discovered at the crime scene were consistent withthe characteristics of Simpson's hair. When asked if the 12 matchesfrom the hat were more significant than a single match, Deedricksaid yes, that in effect they provide 12 individual associations.

Deedrick testified that the blue/black cotton fibers found onRon Goldman's shirt matched fibers found on O.J. Simpsong's socks.He said the fibers were unusual because of their "banded"coloration. The criminalist said cashmere fibers which were removedfrom the knit hat found at the crime scene matched with fibersfrom the gloves and could have originated from the lining of thegloves. Deedrick said he examined fibers from the Ford Broncocarpet and found they matched fibers found on the glove discoveredat Simpson's house and on the hat found at the crime scene.

On cross examination, the defense pointed out that Deedrick hadsaid the hair and fiber found on various pieces of evidence "could"have come from the same source, emphasizing that he was not makinga positive identification. The defense also noted that Simpsonhad visited his former wife Nicole's residence on numerous occasionsand that the fibers on the glove and hat could have been therebefore the crime took place.

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13 and THURSDAY, Nov. 14

Dr. Robin Cotton, Cellmark Diagnostics

In her direct examination, Dr. Cotton said the bloodstains onO.J. Simpson's socks were consistent with the blood of NicoleBrown Simpson. She also told jurors that Simpson's blood containedthe same genetic markers as those found in droplets of blood leadingfrom the bodies. On cross examination, she conceded that testmethods which amplify sample material can also magnify contaminants.She also said she had no idea how the blood got on Simpson9'ssocks. Cotton admitted that her conclusion that Simpson's DNAmarkers occur in only 1-in-170-million people was based on testsof only 200 individuals, and that there were only two blacks inher sample.


Renee Montgomery, criminalist

Montgomery testified that the blood trail at the crime scene andthe blood on the rear gate were consistent with O.J. Simpson'sblood type. Tests on areas of the glove where blood was collectedshowed that two bloodstains could not have been Simpson's blood,but could be that of Goldman or Nicole Brown Simpson. A thirdstain could have been from any of the three. On cross examination,the defense implied that the test interpretation was subjectiveand relied on terms such as hint and trace which had no objectivestandard based in science or numbers. The defense also noted thatthe testing method could create "artifacts" which couldaffect the test results.

THURSDAY, Nov. 14 and FRIDAY, Nov. 15

Gary Sims, criminalist

His testimony on bloodstains was similar to that of ReneeMontgomery, but focused on the DQ Alpha DNA test. He testifiedthat the socks found at Simpson's residence contained many smallblood drops not visible to the eye. He conducted a DQ alpha testwhich resulted in what he said was a match to the blood of NicoleBrown Simpson. Sims called such a match "very significant"and said there was only a one-in-7.7-billion to one-in-41-billionchance it was anyone else's blood. Sims said there was a one-in-57-billionto one-in-150-billion chance that someone's blood other than Simpson'swas on the back gate of Nicole Brown Simpson's condominium.

On cross examination, defense attorney Robert Blasier turned Simsinto a defense expert and sought to use him to undermine someof the most compelling testimony from an earlier DNA witness,Robin Cotton. Sims cast some doubt on Cotton's conclusion thatDNA tests likely ruled out the possibility that Nicole Brown Simpson'sblood was planted on socks found in Simpson's bedroom. Cottonhad said the different quality of DNA in the sock blood and thereference sample taken from Ms. Simpson's body suggested the referencesample could not be the source of the sock blood. But Sims testifiedthat blood from the same test tube could show different qualitiesof DNA at different times, depending on how the blood was stored,processed and tested.

MONDAY, Nov. 18

Collin Yamauchi, criminalist

Yamauchi is best remembered from the criminal trial for hisextensive cross examination by Barry Scheck in which Scheck triedto show that Yamauchi had mishandled evidence. Scheck allegedthat the criminalist did not change gloves before handling differentpieces of evidence, failed to accurately document blood testsand did not follow proper procedures in general. At one point,Yamauchi conceded that he did not notice four bloodstains on apair of socks found in Simpson's home. The defense team arguedthat Yamauchi didn't see the blood because it was later plantedby police.

John Edwards, police detectiveEdwards answered the 1989 call to the Simpson residence whereNicole Brown Simpson alleged that her husband had struck her.He told jurors that when he arrived at the scene, Nicole BrownSimpson ran from some bushes, yelling, "He's going to killme, he's going to kill me."

Sharyn Gilbert, 911 dispatcher
Her testimony described how she handled a 911 call from theRockingham residence Jan. 1, 1989. She did not actually speakto anyone on the phone, but heard the sound of a flesh to fleshslap and then the sound of a woman screaming. She then updatedher original incident code from 900 (unknown trouble) to 930w(woman screaming). She noted in her report that it sounded likea woman being beaten at the location. Cross examination was verybrief. The defense only asked for a clarification of the audioof the 911 call which was replayed in court.

Mark Day, security guard
Day testified to his response to a disturbance at the Rockinghamestate in 1984 or 1985. He noted that Nicole Brown came runningout of the house to meet him. He said he saw a Mercedes automobilewith a dented hood and a baseball bat. He described O.J. Simpson'sdemeanor as "quiet and demure." He said that he wasjust keeping the peace until police officers could arrive.

MONDAY, Nov. 18 and TUESDAY, Nov. 19

Robert Lerner, police officer

Lerner testified he responded to a 911 call to 325 South GretnaGreen on Oct. 25, 1993. When he arrived at Gretna Green, he observeda Ford Bronco parked in front of the residence about four to sixfeet from the curb with the headlights still on. He said NicoleBrown Simpson led him in and directed him to the rear of the housewhere O.J. Simpson and Kato Kaelin were. He said that Simpsonwas yelling and pacing - gesturing with his hands. Lerner saidhe tried to calm Simpson down.

Lerner said his partner, Sgt. Craig Lalley, arrived on the sceneand they had a conversation with Simpson, but were not aware thatLalley had secretly recorded the conversation. Lerner said hewas not aware of the tape until two days before the criminal trial.

TUESDAY, Nov. 19

Kato Kaelin, O.J. Simpson's house guest

Kaelin testified that the thumps he heard the night of themurders sounded like "someone falling back behind my bedroomwall." Kaelin also testified that the day after the murders,Simpson said to him, "you saw me go into the house"after the two had returned to the Simpson estate from a visitto a McDonald's the previous night. The suggestion left with thejurors was that Simpson was seeking to establish an alibi forthe time of the murders.

Michael Stevens
Stevens' entire testimony lasted about seven minutes. He statedthat he opened the safety deposit box in the presence of bankrepresentatives and removed two photographs, newspaper clippingsabout Simpson, including the January 1989 article about spousalabuse, and a sealed envelope which contained Nicole Brown Simpson'swill.

THURSDAY, Nov. 21 and WEDNESDAY, Nov. 20

Bill Bodziak, FBI agent

Bodziak testified that a photo taken of O.J. Simpson in 1993shows Simpson wearing the exact same kind of rare Italian shoesas those that left bloody imprints near the two slashed bodies.Bodziak pointed to 18 areas on what he identified as the BrunoMagli Lorenzo shoes, from the stitching to the soles, to makethe comparison. During Simpson's civil trial deposition, he deniedever wearing this model of shoe.

Allan Park, limousine driverThe plaintiffs used Park's testimony to establish a timeline.He testified using cellular phone records to describe his timewith O.J. Simpson late June 12, 1994. He said he arrived at theestate at 10:22 p.m. and left with Simpson at 11:15 p.m. Simpsondidn't appear to be home until he came out of the house at 11:05p.m., Park said. The limousine driver described a shadowy blackman going from the driveway to the house and an aborted trip tothe back of the estate to look for a possible prowler.

FRIDAY, Nov. 22

O.J. Simpson, defendant

In the most defining moment of the trial, Simpson took thestand Friday and said he didn't commit the double murder. He alsodenied hitting his ex-wife but when shown photos of her bruisedface, he said he was responsible for her injuries. He said he"imposed his physical will" on her by shoving her aroundand wrestling with her. After an intense, electrifying day, bothsides claimed victory.

MONDAY, Nov. 25

O.J. Simpson, defendant

Simpson said he couldn't explain how he got cuts on his handand he didn't know how his blood, and that of victims Ron Goldmanand Nicole Brown Simpson, came to be in his Bronco or how hisblood, and that of ex-wife, got on a pair of his socks. He deniedowning shoes matching those linked to the killings and said apicture of him wearing what appear to be such shoes "is afraud."

Later, Simpson's testimony varied from previous statements hehad made under oath. He said he didn't have any fingernail gougesfrom the victims, but he might have cut himself while "rassling"with his small son. In response to Petrocelli's questions, Simpsonsaid he was hooked up to a polygraph at a private office to seehow the device worked but never took an actual lie detector test.He said he offered to take a polygraph test for police but saidthey never pursued it. Daniel Petrocelli then stated that Simpsonscored a negative 22 on the test, which the plaintiffs attorneysaid indicates "extreme deception."

TUESDAY, Nov. 26

O.J. Simpson, defendant

Two lawyers for the plaintiffs subjected Simpson to a briefround of questioning in which he again denied killing Nicole BrownSimpson and Ronald Goldman. Defense attorney Robert Baker thenannounced a surprise decision: he would not question his client,at least for now: "I'm sorry, your honor, I've changed mymind," Baker said. "I will put Mr. Simpson on, and puton his side, in our case in December." With no other witnessesready to take the stand, court recessed until Tuesday, Dec. 3.


Al Cowlings, lifelong Simpson friend

Cowlings and Simpson played football together in college andin the National Football League. He was driving Simpson's Broncoduring the 60-mile freeway chase. He testified that he drove NicoleBrown Simpson to the hospital after the New Year's Eve incident.He said Nicole told him that O.J. Simpson had struck her.

Jackie Cooper, Simpson friend
Cooper went to Palm Springs on Memorial Day weekend with Simpsonand his girlfriend Paula Barbieri. He testified Simpson seemedobsessed about the end of his marriage to Nicole. He said Simpsonalso told him Paula left the trip early because she was upsetabout Nicole.

Charles Cale, Simpson neighborCale testified he did not see Simpson's Ford Bronco parkedoutside the estate between 9:30 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. as he walkedhis dog. He saw the Bronco the next morning parked at an angle.

India Allen, alleged abuse witness Worked at a veterinarian's office. Says she witnessed a domesticviolence incident outside the office.

Albert Aguillera, alleged abuse witness
Aguillera said he was at Virginia Beach in 1987 and saw Simpsonknock Nicole to the ground.

Donna Estes, Simpson friendEstes is a friend of both O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson.After their divorce, Simpson told Estes that he was still in lovewith Nicole, but that she was only interested in wearing shortskirts and going out dancing.

Craig Baumgarten, Simpson golfing buddy
Baumgarten was with Simpson the morning of the murders. Theyengaged in a verbal fight on the golf course.


Paula Barbieri, Simpson's former girlfriend

Barbieri is a model who dated Simpson prior to the murders.Barbieri left telephone messages for Simpson ending their relationshipthe day of the murders. Simpson claims he never collected thosemessages. But in her deposition, which was read into evidence,Barbieri claimed she had three messages from Simpson indicatingthat he had listened to her message.

Ron Fischman, friend of Nicole and O.J. SimpsonFischman is a chiropractor and ex-husband of Cora Fischman,a friend of Nicole Brown Simpson. He videotaped Simpson and hisdaughter Sydney at a dance recital just hours before the murders.Fischman also prescribed the bottle of anti-anxiety medicationXanax found in Simpson's bag after the Bronco chase. In his testimony,Fischman described instances in which Simpson had called him athis home looking for Nicole. He testified that Simpson was havingdifficulty communicating with Nicole and said she was abrupt andshort with him. He said Simpson was frustrated and confused andfelt Nicole was rejecting him. Fischman was at the dance recitalthe day of the murders. He said he saw O.J. Simpson sitting nextto Nicole Brown Simpson at some point, but that he did not seethem smile or look at each other.

Fischman said he later spoke with Simpson in the lobby and thatSimpson appeared tired and subdued. He said he had never seenhim that way before. On cross examination, Fischman said Simpsonmay have been frustrated with his former wife because she wasacting erratically. He said Nicole Brown Simpson never mentionedthat her former husband was stalking or threatening her or thatshe was afraid of him. He added that he was not in a good positionto observe Simpson and Nicole during the dance recital.

Frank Olson, chairman of HertzIn Olson's videotaped testimony, which was played in court,he said he had a conversation with Simpson on May 16, 1994, inwhich Simpson told him the relationship with Nicole Brown Simpsonwas over. He testified that Simpson did not seem terribly distressed,but was not his usual outgoing, effusive self. Olson said Simpsonseemed to want to "get away from it all" and mentionedpossibly moving to New York.

Josephine Guarin, Simpson's former houskeeper
"Gigi" testified that at one point she saw a disguisekit on Simpson's desk, but she did not remember when she saw itlast. On the day of the murders, she went to Knott's Berry Farmto celebrate Philippine Independence Day. She said she later calledand asked Simpson if it would be OK to stay later and he saidshe could. She also said she did not have any specific instructionsin regard to Simpson's dog, Chachi, and that the dog did not normallyleave the property. Simpson said he delayed opening a gate fora limo driver because he feared the dog would get out.

On cross examination, Guarin testified that Simpson was alwayslate, always rushing and did everything at the last minute.

Dale St. John, limousine driver
St. John testified that he has picked Simpson up over 100times in more than three years. He said Simpson had always beenat home when he arrived. He said he usually pulled up to Ashfordand backed in the gate. He said he would then buzz the intercomand that someone would always answer. But he added that normallythe housekeeper would answer the phone. Dale testified that henever saw Simpson's dog, Chachi, leave the property.

Leslie Gardiner, Playboy video wardrobe personGardner testified that she collected Simpson's wardrobe forthe video, which included a sweatsuit, sports clothing and shoes.She said he requested a DKNY cashmere sweatsuit because he hadhad one previously. Gardner told jurors the clothing was blackand gray. Plaintiffs' attorneys presented several photos showingSimpson wearing the sweatsuit. She said after the video was completed,Simpson kept the clothing, which she said would be common practice.

Nancy Ney, battered women's shelter therapist
Nancy Ney told jurors she worked at Sojourn House, a privatebattered woman's shelter and was working the 24-hour hotline onJune 7, 1994. She said she got a call at 11 a.m. from a womanwho identified herself as "Nicole" who said she was34, divorced, and had two children, a boy and a girl. She saidshe lived in West Los Angeles and that her husband was a high-profilefigure who Ney would recognize if she heard his name. Ney testifiedshe had listened to the 911 call Nicole Brown Simpson made topolice and that the voice of the woman with whom she spoke wasconsistent with that voice.

Ney said "Nicole" told her she was frightened and thather former husband was stalking her, following her to restaurantsand markets, and in his car. She said "Nicole" toldher her former husband had beaten her and told her that if hecaught her with another man, he would kill her. Ney testifiedshe and "Nicole" discussed whether she should move backin with her husband, since she felt that might be safer, but inthe end they decided it would be better if she did not move backin. Ney said "Nicole" promised to call back the followingweek, but never did.

Randy Petee, private investigator who timed the Bundy Dr. toRockingham Dr. drivePetee drove to and from Simpson's mansion and his ex-wife'scondominium by various routes. He said the times ranged from 6minutes and 37 seconds at the speed limit to 4 minutes and 2 seconds,breaking the speed limit. The plaintiffs prefer a short drive-timeto show that Simpson had time to commit the murders and get homefor a waiting limousine.


Mark Partridge, passenger of Simpson's return flight from Chicago

Partridge is a Chicago trademark and copyright attorney whospoke to Simpson on the return flight from Chicago to Los Angelesthe day after the murders. He testified that Simpson told himNicole and another person had been killed and that it was a crime.

Lenore Walker, "battered woman syndrome" expert

Doctor who wrote book defining "battered woman's syndrome."Walker testified she interviewed Simpson and believed he "didnot suffer from any kind of anti-social personality disorder."

Raymond Kilduff, Hertz employee in ChicagoKilduff was responsible for the annual golf tournament inwhich Simpson was planning to participate. Kilduff testified Simpsonhad a black duffel bag. Kilduff said he was able to look insidethe bag when Simpson opened it. He said the bag appeared relativelyempty save for a few items on the bottom. Kilduff also testifiedSimpson appeared frantic and emotional during the ride to theairport and that Simpson brought up the issue of getting the golfbag back. Kilduff said Simpson kept saying "this is bad."Simpson did not tell him what had happened, but repeated thathe would hear about it on the news.

James Merrill, Hertz employee in ChicagoMerrill is a sales representative who met Simpson at the airporta few hours after the murders and drove him to the O'Hare PlazaHoward Johnson. During the ride from the airport to the hotel,Merrill testified Simpson talked about his former wife Nicole.Merrill had asked him why he took the late flight out and Simpsonsaid he had to go to the dance recital and that Nicole was onhim for not spending time with the kids. Merrill also testifiedthat Simpson called him three times the morning of their scheduledgolf tournament. Simpson also called him once when he was backin Los Angeles on June 14. Simpson inquired about his golf clubs.Merrill gave him the claim number. Merrill testified that Simpsonbecame personal with him. Simpson told Merrill that he loved Nicole,that she was the mother of his children and that they were divorced.Merrill said he did not know Nicole and had never heard of herprior to meeting Simpson.

FRIDAY, Dec. 6

Sharon Rufo, mother of victim Ron Goldman

Rufo testified about the number of times she telephoned her son.She said he called her at the end of 1992 but that her husbandanswered the phone and told Ron not to call. She said she grabbedthe phone and spoke to him. Ron Goldman told her about his appearanceon the television show "Studs."

Bruce Weir, DNA statistics expertWeir is a professor of statistics and genetics at North CarolinaState University in Raleigh. He is a population DNA expert. Hetestified that the DNA found on the glove is likely to be Simpson'sbut he admitted making an error in calculating the probability.

Juditha Brown, mother of victim Nicole Brown Simpson

Juditha Brown is also suing O.J. Simpson for the custody of Justinand Sydney, the two children he had with Nicole Brown Simpson.In the civil trial, she testified that at the wake for NicoleBrown Simpson, O.J. Simpson kissed his former wife's corpse onthe lips and said, "I'm so sorry Nic, I'm so sorry Nic."Juditha said that she followed him outside where she confrontedhim. She asked him, "do you have anything to do with this?"Simpson replied only "I loved your daughter."

On cross-examination Juditha denied that she and Simpson spokeabout Nicole's alleged erratic behavior in April/May '94, anddenied that she thought that Nicole had been acting erratically.When defense attorneys asked if Juditha Brown disliked Simpson,she answered that she disliked him now. When asked why she kissedhim at a dance recital the day of the murders, she replied thatone can kiss angry people.

Robert Kardashian, Simpson's friendKardashian testified that he did not recall any conversationwith Simpson on the ride to the airport to collect his golf clubs.He said that Simpson did not talk about playing golf, or why heneeded the clubs. He said he did not talk about Nicole. "Ijust don't remember," Kardashian said. Kardashian was askedif he thought that it was an odd request that someone whose wifehad been killed only 36 hours before would ask to go to the airportto pick up a golf bag. He responded "yes."

Leroy "Skip" Taft, Simpson's business attorney
Taft sparred with plaintiffs attorney Petrocelli over discrepanciesbetween his deposition, where he said he saw two cuts on Simpson'shand, and his testimony at trial, where he said he rememberd onlyone. "As I sit here today I recall one cut," he toldPetrocelli.

MONDAY, Dec. 9

Fred Goldman, father of victim Ron Goldman

Fred Goldman attended almost every day of the criminal trial.He is one of four plaintiffs filing a civil suit against Simpson.Testifying in the wrongful death suit against Simpson, Fred Goldmandescribed his son's up-and-down years with school problems andnumerous jobs, finally finding his own way in the world shortlybefore his murder by drafting plans to open his own restaurant.

"Mr. Goldman, did you love your son?" asked lawyer DanielPetrocelli, who represents Goldman. "Oh, God, yes,"Goldman testified through tears that he dabbed with a white tissue.The testimony for the plaintiffs ended with a videotape takenat a bat mitzvah for Ron Goldman's stepsister in November 1993.During cross-examination Baker asked Goldman if he has becomefriends with Detectives Philip Vannatter and Tom Lange. Goldmanresponded that he would not consider them friends. The judge interjectedand warned Baker that if he continued in that line of questioninghe would not be allowed to call Goldman as a direct witness inthe defense case.

Rebuttal Witnesses

TUESDAY, Jan. 14

Sandra Clairborne

Clairborne is a police forensic print specialist. She testifiedthat she waited in a police car with department photographer RolfRokahr for nearly three-and-a-half hours, waiting for detectivesto give them directions. It wasn't until after dawn that theyentered the crime scene for the first time.

E.J. FlammerFlammer is a freelance photographer who took 30 pictures ofSimpson on Sept. 26, 1993, at a Buffalo Bills-Miami Dolphins gamein Buffalo, N.Y. He recently found the pictures in his basem*ntdarkroom and gave them to the plaintiffs' attorneys. He explainedthat he hired a lawyer and an agent and sold copies of the picturesto the three major TV networks but had no knowledge of how muchhe was getting for the photos. He said his attorney told him itwould be better if he didn't know the amount in case he was askedwhile testifying.

Leslie GardnerGardner was the wardrobe stylist for Simpson's 1994 Playboyexercise video. She bought him black cotton fleece sweat clothesand testified he never returned them. She said it might have beena cotton and polyester blend and wasn't blue-black, like fibersfound at the crime scene.

Gerald RichardsRichards is a former top FBI photo analyst who refuted claimsof defense expert Robert Groden that a photo of Simpson in BrunoMagli shoes was a fraud. He said the photo wasn't altered in anyway, and a first-year photography student would have known it.He explained that the mysterious blue lines on the negative wereactually scratches from a camera mechanism and that the photowas not larger than others on the roll.


Gerald Richards

Richards is a former FBI photo analyst who said a pictureof Simpson wearing Bruno Magli shoes was "100 percent nota fake." He explained the back-lighting created a halo effectaround the shoes in the picture. He also testified that what lookedlike a hole in a crime scene glove was an optical illusion createdby a piece of debris.

Gregory MathesonMatheson is a LAPD crime lab supervisor. He supported theplaintiff's theory that debris, not a hole, marred the crime sceneglove in a photo. Matheson said blood on a glove found at thecrime scene was consistent with that of Ronald Goldman, and notO.J. Simpson. He said he found blood smeared on the console ofSimpson's Bronco several weeks after the murders occurred. Buthe could not explain photos of the console taken earlier in whichthe blood does not appear to be visible.

Dennis Fung Fung is an LAPD criminalist who collected evidence at thecrime scene. He returned to the stand for a third time to recanttestimony he gave earlier about the bloody glove found at thecrime scene. He previously testified that a glove entered intoevidence at the civil trial was not the one found at the crimescene. But when called as a rebuttal witness, he testified heno longer believes that the glove in evidence is different fromthe one he collected at the crime scene. "I didn't lie butI was mistaken." Fung denied he was pressured to change hisstory, saying he now supports the plaintiff's contention thatdebris, not a hole, marred the glove in a picture.

Richard FoxFox, a private criminalist, rebutted defense experts on theissue of microscopic balls of blood found inside the sock retrievedfrom Simpson's bedroom. He explained the blood could have beentransferred during testing or when the wearer took off the socks.Fox testified the defense theory, that blood was smeared on thesock in the lab, was unlikely.


Angelica Guzman

Guzman was the Los Angeles Police Department officer assignedto help guard Simpson's Bronco the morning after the killings.She testified she saw no one open the vehicle or enter it. Shewrote on the impound sheet that the car had an alternator andbattery but didn't check under the hood to make sure.

Terry LeeLee is a research scientist at City of Hope hospital. He wascalled to rebut the defense claim that blood samples preservedin test tubes with a chemical called EDTA were planted by policeat the crime scene and at Simpson's home to frame the former footballstar. Lee said he doesn't believe the small traces of EDTA foundin blood on a sock at Simpson's home and on a back gate at Nicole'sSimpson's condominium indicate that the blood was planted. Heexplained that EDTA traces could possibly come from testing equipment.

Brad PopovichPopovich is a chemical molecular geneticist who says thereis no evidence of contamination in DNA samples handled by theLAPD crime lab. He testified the results were accurate and reliableand he defended work by criminalist Collin Yamauchi.

Gerald RichardsRichards is a former FBI photo analyst who returned to thestand to say that photographs of Simpson wearing Bruno Magli shoesappeared authentic. He said he saw no signs of alteration or substitutionof the negatives. He did acknowledge that someone with the motivation,time, equipment, money and talent could fake photographs.

William BodziakBodziak is an FBI shoe analyst who said the shoes seen onSimpson's feet in photos taken at a Buffalo Bills football gameare Lorenzo-style Bruno Maglis, the same style as those worn bysomeone who left bloody footprints around the bodies of NicoleBrown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

Jack Walraven's Simpson Trial Transcripts (2024)
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