Streaming – Live and On Demand | Congregation B'nai Israel - Bridgeport, CT Reform Temple (2024)

Live Stream and On Demand Viewing

Shabbat services:

Our clergy and leadership have decided that Rabbi Schultz, Rabbi Marion and Cantor Rubel will be leading Shabbat services from their homes until further notice.

You will be able to access the service via Zoom (see weekly email for link) and watch on our Facebook page. In Zoom, you can see the faces of everyone and chat with other congregants. Many found that comforting to be able to do that as we are physically distanced from one another. Watching on Facebook will allow you to just see Rabbi Schultz, Rabbi Marion and Cantor Rubel leading the services. Thank you for bearing with us right now – we are trying to do what’s best for the health and safety of everyone in our B’nai Israel community. We hope to see you at “virtual” Shabbat services!

There is a free flipbook version of Mishkan T’filah available online:

Saturday Torah Study– 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Join via Zoom (see your weekly email for link)

We will let you know when we return to our normal streaming services.

Click on the play icon below for the either the Sanctuary or Chapel services and then go to either the Broadcast Schedule to view live or Previous Broadcasts to view on demand.

Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and B’nai Mitzvah services are held in the Sanctuary.

Shabbat Morning Services and many of our speakers meet in the chapel:

Archived broadcasts

If you would like to view a past broadcast, click on one of the two viewers above. If we are not currently streaming, you will be presented with a choice of looking at the upcoming schedule or looking at the archive for that worship space. B’nai Mitzvah and funeral services are password protected. All other services and events are available to the public.

The Spirituality of Streaming

We are very excited about offering streaming live and on demand to our viewers and wanted to give you a sense of why we, as a community, have opted to bring our worship experience to your laptop screens and smartphone devices!

1) Accessibility

We are aware that we have members of our community who are physically unable to attend worship services in person. We know that when someone is ill in the hospital or home bound that it can be quite an isolating experience. While streaming does not provide the same experience as sitting in our sanctuary in person, it can make a huge difference in helping someone feel connected to our community and the experience of prayer. We learned in our research of other congregations that use streaming technology that having our rabbis or cantor welcome our streaming viewers can lift the spirits of a member who may be struggling with illness or unable to physically leave their home. As a synagogue that takes our commitment to community seriously, streaming enables all of our congregants to feel that they are with the community, even if they may not be physically present for Shabbat services.

2) Connections Far and Wide

Have an aunt in Oklahoma? A grandfather in California? Those in our community who celebrate life cycle milestones in our sanctuary often have a loved one or friend who is unable to attend for one reason or another. With our streaming service, families will have the option to stream B’nai Mitzvah celebrations, weddings, and baby namings so family and friends around the world can watch. Families will also have the option to live stream funeral and memorial services.

3) Outreach

When families move to the area, they may want to get an initial sense of the B’nai Israel community before they come to physically visit our building. Live streaming is an excellent form of outreach to potential new members of the B’nai Israel community. This will give them an opportunity to get a sense of our worship services from the comfort of their own homes. We hope this will then inspire them to come and visit us in person for a Friday night or Saturday morning worship service!

4) High Holy Days – Lobby Viewing!

High Holy Days services are best in person, but if you need to exit the sanctuary for a period of time to tend to an infant or take a breather, we will live stream the service to the television in the synagogue lobby. Never miss a Hashkiveinu or Zochreinu again!

Streaming – Live and On Demand | Congregation B'nai Israel - Bridgeport, CT Reform Temple (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.