12 Major Signs of Teeth Grinding You Shouldn’t Ignore, According to Dentists (2024)

If you’re feeling more stress than usual these days (and who isn’t?), it can manifest in surprising ways. You may lose your cool when you normally wouldn’t, feel more tension headaches coming on, and notice more hair falling out in the shower.

You could also be grinding your teeth at night without realizing it. In fact, in a new essay for The New York Times, one dentist says she’s seeing “an epidemic” of tooth fractures due to teeth grinding, also known as bruxism.

Other dentists are witnessing this, too. “Research shows over the past six months there’s been a rise in anxiety, depression, and mental illness, which can all be correlated to an increase in bruxing and clenching,” explains Julie Cho, D.M.D., a dentist in New York City and member of the American Dental Association.

Because bruxism often happens while you’re fast asleep, you’re usually not aware of it. Here are the major signs you might be grinding your teeth at night, plus why it’s so important to do something about it.

Why do people grind their teeth?

Bruxism is a condition in which you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. This can happen during the day, but it often happens at night. Grinding your teeth while asleep can be especially problematic because you have no idea how hard you’re biting down. In fact, your bite strength can administer up to 250 pounds of force.

It’s unclear why this happens, but according to the American Dental Association (ADA), stress and anxiety, trouble sleeping, an abnormal bite, and crooked or missing teeth can all lead to bruxism. Like many other health conditions, bruxism can be mild or severe, occasional or frequent, per the ADA.

What are the signs you’re grinding your teeth?

There are actually a lot. Johns Hopkins Medicine specifically lists the following:

  • Worn teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Facial pain
  • Overly sensitive teeth
  • Tense facial and jaw muscles
  • Headaches
  • Dislocation of your jaw
  • Locking of your jaw
  • A popping or clicking sound in your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull
  • Tongue indentations
  • Damage to the inside of your cheek
  • Wear facets, i.e. flat, smooth areas created on the biting surfaces of your teeth as they are rubbed together repeatedly

Some of those, like having worn teeth, can be tough for you to spot without a dentist’s help. That’s why Dr. Cho recommends being especially wary of waking up with headaches, having an achy-feeling jaw, having teeth that are sensitive (especially to extreme temperatures), and interrupted sleep.

Why it’s so important to get teeth grinding treated

It’s easy to dismiss grinding your teeth as no biggie, especially since you probably don’t catch yourself doing it. But it can actually be a huge issue and lead to more serious health problems, says Nathan Lawson, D.M.D., Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry. “Tooth grinding can lead to tooth pain, TMJ pain, loss of chewing ability, and an unaesthetic appearance of the teeth and of one’s face,” he says.

You can even break your teeth, or grind your teeth so much that the normal cusps and valleys that are in your teeth (and are needed for chewing) become flattened out, Dr. Cho says

Bottom line: This isn’t an issue you want to ignore, so schedule an appointment with your dentist if you think you grind your teeth at night. They can take a look at your mouth and teeth, and try to help figure out a solution, Dr. Lawson says.

It could be as simple as having you wear a mouthguard at night, or you may need something more complex, like orthodontics, to help solve the problem. You may even need interventional behavioral therapy, like learning how to rest your tongue, teeth, and lips properly, or treatment called biofeedback, which measures the amount of muscle activity in your mouth and jaw and lets you know when it’s too much. Stress management techniques, like reading, taking a walk, and having a warm bath before bed, may also help, per the ADA.

When in doubt, per Dr. Cho: “Patients should go see their dentist ASAP.”

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12 Major Signs of Teeth Grinding You Shouldn’t Ignore, According to Dentists (1)

Korin Miller

Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.

12 Major Signs of Teeth Grinding You Shouldn’t Ignore, According to Dentists (2024)


12 Major Signs of Teeth Grinding You Shouldn’t Ignore, According to Dentists? ›

stress and anxiety – this is the most common cause of teeth grinding. sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnoea. taking certain medicines, including a type of antidepressant known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

What is the number one cause of teeth grinding? ›

stress and anxiety – this is the most common cause of teeth grinding. sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnoea. taking certain medicines, including a type of antidepressant known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

What is the difference between grinding and bruxism? ›

Bruxism is clenching, grinding, or gnashing your teeth, either while you're awake or asleep. Most people probably grind and clench their teeth from time to time. Occasional teeth grinding doesn't usually cause harm, but when it happens regularly, you can damage your teeth.

What is the emotional reason for teeth grinding? ›

Parents may also hear it in their sleeping children. Teeth grinding can be a result of stress. For example, some people grind their teeth when they are angry, concentrating or feeling anxious.

What neurological disorders cause teeth grinding? ›

Brain Injury – There are many conditions that fall into this category. The most common include: strokes, brain damage, dementia or Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injuries, including concussions. Bruxism is a secondary disorder of these conditions.

Where is a bruxism headache located? ›

Where are bruxism headaches located? The temples, forehead, or area behind the eyes are the typical locations for bruxism headaches. This is because bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, often leads to tension in the jaw, neck, and head muscles. This tension commonly causes headaches.

What does a bruxism headache feel like? ›

The actions involved in a bruxism episode exhaust the body. The muscles, the tendons and the joints all feel overworked. The tension often becomes dull headaches that don't go away.

Do I have TMJ or bruxism? ›

Differences Between TMJ Disorder and Bruxism

People that suffer from bruxism grind their teeth. TMJ disorder is a condition that involves pain and improper functioning of the muscles and joints that attach the lower jaw to the skull. Bruxism can be caused by TMD, but bruxism can in turn also cause or worsen TMD.

Is grinding teeth a form of anxiety? ›

It is estimated that around 70% of bruxism cases occur as a result of mental health issues such as stress and anxiety. Job-related anxiety is very strongly related to teeth grinding, with shift workers and men, in particular, facing significantly raised risk of developing the disorder.

Does magnesium help bruxism? ›

Magnesium supplements can help relax the small, fast twitch muscles in your jaw and reduce grinding further.

What is Trismus? ›

What is trismus? When your jaw muscles become so tight that you can't open your mouth, you may have a condition known as trismus. Trismus refers to muscle spasms in your temporomandibular joint. Head and neck cancer treatment is the most common reason why people develop trismus.

Can teeth grinding cause heart problems? ›

As a result of the stress level bruxism and cardiovascular diseases can occur at the same time. We hy- pothesed that the bruxism classification may point out cardiovascular disease.

What drug symptom is teeth grinding? ›

Cocaine also increases tooth grinding (bruxism) which further wears the teeth. Ecstasy (MDMA) – also called the love drug, 'E', 'eckies', 'pingers' or 'caps'. Side effects of ecstasy include tooth grinding, jaw clenching and dry mouth. Heroin – also called smack, horse or hammer.

Can teeth grinding damage nerves? ›

Teeth grinding

Grinding not only damages the enamel of the tooth, but it can affect deeper levels of the tooth, including the tooth nerve. See a dentist so that they can recommend the best mouthguard to wear during sleep.

Can teeth grinding cause brain fog? ›

And, if TMJ is caused due to teeth grinding, your sleep will likely be disturbed as well, leading to other issues ranging from insomnia to depression and brain fog.

How I cured my bruxism? ›

The most successful and proven bruxism cure is to invest in a bruxism mouthguard. We'll cover that more in a minute. But others believe that it can also be cured by finding ways to relieve the pent-up stress by way of exerting more energy. That includes exercise, yoga, meditation, and so forth.

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